"Gazelle" Gas-2705>> Electric equipment>> Electric equipment of cars with engines ZMZ-4025, ЗМЗ-4026>> Electric motors of heaters, the fan обдува a windscreen, the electropump of system of heaters
Fans обдува the basic heater of a body are resulted in rotation by the bipolar electric motor — with excitation from constant magnets. Inclusion of the electric motor of the basic heater is carried out by means of the switch having four positions:
- It is switched off;
- Small turns;
- Average turns;
- The big turns.
At small and average turns the electric motor chain joins the resistor.
Technical characteristics of the electric motor of the basic heater
Type..... 511.3730
Capacity, Vt..... 90
Consumed current at loading fans, And, no more..... 15
Frequency of rotation of an anchor at loading fans, rpm..... 3000±300
The electric motor дополнительного* a heater
The fan обдyвa and heating of salon of the car is resulted in rotation by the bipolar electric motor of a heater with excitation from constant magnets.
Electric motor inclusion is carried out by means of the switch having three positions:
- It is switched off;
- Small turns;
- The big turns.
At small turns the electric motor chain joins the resistor.
Technical characteristics of the electric motor of an additional heater
Type..... 197.3730
Capacity, Vt..... 60
Consumed current at great speed, And, no more..... 6,5
Frequency of rotation of an anchor at loading the fan, rpm..... 3800
Электронасос* Heating systems
The electropump of system of heating is resulted in rotation by the bipolar electric motor with excitation from constant magnets.
Electric motor inclusion is carried out by means of the switch of an additional heater.

* For motor vans with two rows of seats and buses.

Electropump technical characteristics
Type..... 352.3730 or 32.3780
Capacity, Vt..... 25
Consumed current at great speed, And, no more..... 5
Productivity, л/ч, not less..... 1400±200
On the car the single-wire system of inclusion of devices of the electric equipment is applied, three of which as the second wire ("weight") the car case serves. At damage of isolation of a wire car cases can directly concern, causing the short circuits leading перегоранию of safety locks, to обгоранию isolation and even to a fire.
For convenience of installation and protection against mechanical damages of a wire are braided with a fastening braid in plaits.
Maintenance service
At car surveys it is necessary to check up carefully a condition of isolation of wires, warning their damages (перетирание about sharp edges, excessive sagging, etc.). The special attention should be given to cleanliness and reliability of joining of wires to conclusions of devices of an electric equipment. Even with insignificant damage of isolation it is necessary to wind wires изоляционной with a tape. Poorly tightened or polluted and oxidised conclusions to smooth out and tighten. It is necessary to watch carefully that on a surface of wires oil and gasoline as they destroy isolation have not got and reduce service life of wires.
At electroconducting repair it is necessary to use the basic scheme of wires on which colouring and sections of wires are given.
Safety locks
Under a cowl on the right there is a block of safety locks БПР-2М5 where the fusible insert on 90 And protects a generator chain, a light chain of the car, and the fusible insert on 60 And protects the general плюсовую a car chain, except light, and starter and generator chains.
At the left under the panel of devices on an arm two blocks of fuses BPR-13 are established. Sizes of a limiting current strength in amperes for each safety lock and chains protected by them are resulted in tab. 9.7.

Table 9.7. The chains protected by fuses
The chains protected by fuses
Safety lock number
Current strength, And
The chains protected by fuses
Safety locks of the top block protect chains:
The reserve
The alarm system
The switch of the storage battery of a radio tape recorder
Screen wiper, стеклоомывателя, the right number of plafonds of salon
The relay of headlights
Braking signals
Sound signal, прикуривателя
The electric motor of a heater, the electropump of system of heating (buses and cars with two rows of seats)
The electric motor of an additional heater (buses and motor vans with two rows of seats)
Combinations of devices, light of a backing, the gauge of speed, the breaker of a signalling device of a lay brake, the screen wiper relay
The reserve
Microprocessor system of ignition (ЗМЗ-4061,-4063)
Turn indexes
Safety locks of the bottom block protect chains:
The reserve
Headlight of the right headlight, headlight signalling device
Headlight of the left headlight
Passing light of the right headlight
Passing light of the left headlight
Antifog lanterns, signalling device of antifog lanterns
The reserve
The reserve
Plafond of a cabin, plafond (plafonds - ГАЗ-2705 with one row of seats) cargo salon, a plafond of illumination of a footboard of buses, подкапотного a lantern, the left number of plafonds of illumination of passenger salon of buses
Illuminations of devices, switches, приукуривателя
The reserve
Dimensional light of the right board, the proof-reader of headlights, plafond of a ware box
Dimensional light of the left board, signalling device of dimensional light, licence plate illumination

The note
The complete set of spare safety locks is put to the car. For extraction of a faulty safety lock use tweezers in the complete set of spare safety locks.

The switch of the storage battery (it is established by buses)
The switch of the storage battery with remote control is intended for switching-off of the battery from an onboard network of the car (at long parking, electric equipment repair, and also at occurrence of fire danger).

The prevention
To disconnect the storage battery it is necessary only after an engine stop. To disconnect the battery at the working engine categorically it is forbidden; knots and the devices incorporating electronic schemes otherwise can fail.

The switch of the storage battery is established under the pallet on which the battery is established.

Fig. 3.1. Controls

Management of the battery switch is carried out by the push-button switch 28 (fig. 3.1 see), located under the panel of devices.
To switch on and off the battery it is possible direct pressing the button of the switch of the battery, closed by the rubber cap located at an end face of the switch.
Technical characteristics
Rated voltage, В.... 12
Long current of loading, А.... 50
Admissible short-term current, А.... 1000
The current consumed by an electromagnet of the switch, no more, А.... 18,5
Admissible falling напряженияна switch contacts at a current 50А, В.... 0,03
Maintenance service
If necessary to tighten nuts of fastening of tips of wires. In case of corrosion of nuts and washers of fastening of tips it is necessary to replace them. In a case подгара contacts to remove a plastic cover.