"Gazelle" Gas-2705>> Electric equipment>> Electric equipment of cars with engines ZMZ-4025, ЗМЗ-4026>> Possible malfunctions of the generator and ways of their elimination
Possible malfunctions of the generator and ways of their elimination
Cause of defect
Way of elimination
At engine work on average turns the pressure index shows more low 12 In
The pressure regulator is faulty
To replace a pressure regulator
The drive belt is poorly tense
To pull a belt
Wire breakage from conclusions <+> or <>
To make repair of wires
Is absent or unreliable contact between brushes and contact rings
To clear щеткодержатель of a dirt, to check up effort щеточных springs, to smooth out or pierce contact rings
Breakage of a chain of excitation
To eliminate chain breakage, especially carefully to check up places of the soldering of conclusions of the coil of excitation to contact rings and serviceability of conclusions of the coil
Mezhvitkovoe short circuit or breakage in a chain of one of phases статорной generator windings
To disassemble the generator, to check up статорную a winding on absence of breakage and short circuit. Статор with a faulty winding to replace
Failure of one of diodes выпрямительного the block
To check up diodes by means of devices or a control lamp. The block with faulty diodes to replace
Fast deterioration of brushes and contact rings
Increase in palpation of contact rings
To pierce and grind контактаые rings
Oil hit on contact rings
To wipe contact rings and brushes a napkin moistened in gasoline
Повышнное or the lowered pressure щеточных springs
To check up pressure щеточных springs
The raised noise of the generator
Insufficient quantity of greasing in bearings
To replace bearings
Задевание a rotor for starter poles
To replace a generator cover
Deterioration of bearings
To replace bearings
Jamming of bearings
To replace bearings
Seat development under the bearing
To replace a generator cover
Ослабла an inhaling of coupling screws of covers of the generator
To make an inhaling of coupling screws the moment 0,5 кгс·м
Breakage of an arm and paws of fastening of the generator. Frequent easing of fastening of the generator
Wrong installation of the generator on arms
To establish the generator (generator Installation on the engine> see <)
The increased disbalance of a pulley or rotor
To check up dynamic balancing of a pulley and a rotor. If the disbalance exceeds 10 гс·м, to make balancing of details
The raised disbalance of the engine
To check up dynamic balancing of the engine