"Gazelle" Gas-2705>> Electric equipment>> Electric equipment of cars with engines ZMZ-4025, ЗМЗ-4026>> Possible malfunctions of electric motors and ways of their elimination
Possible malfunctions of electric motors and ways of their elimination
Cause of defect
Way of elimination
At inclusion the heater electric motor does not work
There is no contact in connecting колодках
To check up reliability of connections and to eliminate malfunction
The switch does not work
To check up and repair it
Lag of brushes, замасливание or pollution by a dust of a collector of an anchor of the electric motor
To disassemble the electric motor, to eliminate lag of brushes. To wipe a collector a rag moistened in gasoline. To clear grooves between collector plates
Oxidation of contacts of a fusible insert and its nest
To clear contacts of a nest of a fusible insert
Has fused a safety lock
To find a cause of defect, to eliminate it and to replace a safety lock
The electric motor works only on one speed
To check up reliability of connection on conclusions of the resistor and its integrity. Damaged to replace
At inclusion the electrofan works with the raised noise or is in the braked condition
Easing of the screw of fastening of rotors on an electric motor shaft
Before an inhaling of fastening of a rotor to provide a backlash of 2 mm between a rotor and overlays of the electric motor of a heater
The anchor rotates with small speed or absolutely stops
Short circuit between collector plates
To clean intervals between collector plates a wooden stick and to blow compressed air. Felt washers of plugs to grease with turbine oil
The electric motor works, but air does not arrive on a windscreen and in a body
Fans rotate in other party
To connect the electric motor according to the electroscheme