"Gazelle" Gas-2705>> Brake system>> Maintenance service and repair of brake systems>> Replacement колодок brake mechanisms of back wheels
At car operation it is necessary to check periodically a condition of brake drums, brake колодок, coupling springs, the protective covers influencing working capacity of brake mechanisms. In process of deterioration of brake overlays the backlash between them and drums is supported automatically and does not require additional adjustment.

Fig. 8.6. The brake mechanism of back wheels: 1 — a bolt of fastening of the wheel cylinder; 2 — the wheel cylinder; 3 — the prorolling valve; 4 — a brake board; 5 — колодка; 6 — a protective cover; 7 — the piston; 8 — a persistent ring; 9, 10, 14 and 28 — springs; 11 — разжимное a link; 12 — приводной the lever of a lay brake; 13 — a fastening plate колодок; 15 — шплинт; 16 — a nut; 17 and 18 — washers; 19 — a bolt; 20 and 22 — заглушки; 21 and 23 — plugs of the clown; 24 — the clown; 25 — an axis of the clown; 26 — a nut; 27 — cups; 29 — a core; 30 — a cable of lay brake system

Degree of deterioration of brake overlays should be supervised through viewing apertures in a brake board 4 (fig. 8.6 see), preliminary having removed заглушки 22. Колодки it is necessary to replace new if the thickness of an overlay has decreased to 1 mm in an observation port zone.
Колодки it is necessary to replace in a following order:
- To remove wheels;
- To clear brake mechanisms of a dirt and to be convinced of free rotation of a brake drum;
- To turn out three screws and to remove a drum from a nave. If the drum sits hardly to screw in carving apertures three bolts М10 and, serially rotating them, to remove a drum. At removal of drums it is necessary to mean that they are processed in gathering with a nave and consequently is inadmissible to interchange the position of them. That the drum could be established on a nave only in one position, apertures of its fastening to a nave are located non-uniformly. It is necessary to remember that if from the car to remove at least one drum it is not necessary to press a brake pedal as thus pistons leave wheel cylinders and the brake liquid will flow out from system;
- To remove the top and bottom coupling springs колодок, springs of lateral fixing колодок;
- To remove worn out колодки with details of a lay brake;
- To shift persistent rings and pistons in the cylinder on identical size from end faces of the cylinder before contact of pistons. For this purpose it is necessary to put to a piston core aluminium or copper оправку and easy blows of a hammer to move шоршни;
- To collect new колодки with details of a lay brake, having adjusted разжимное a link for the minimum length;
- To establish new колодки, coupling springs and springs of lateral fixing колодок. Колодки the top ends should enter into cuts of cores;
- To establish brake drums, preliminary having greased a landing corbel with graphitic greasing or Litol-24.

The prevention
It is not supposed выступание heads of screws for a plane of a flange of a drum.

- To press a pedal of a brake effort 150—200 Н (15—20 кгс) at the working engine to choose backlashes in automatic adjustment. To release a pedal.