GAS a 2705/gazelleГАЗ-2705, ГАЗ-2705 "Kombi"Introduction + 1. Car nameplate data 2. Specifications and characteristics of cars 3. Controls and devices + 4. The engine + 5. Transmission + 6. A running gear + 7. A steering + 8. Brake system - 9. An electric equipment - Electric equipment of cars with engines ZMZ-4025, ЗМЗ-4026 The storage battery Possible malfunctions of the storage battery and ways of their elimination The generator Possible malfunctions of the generator and ways of their elimination Pressure regulator Possible malfunctions of a regulator of pressure and ways of their elimination Starter Possible malfunctions of a starter and ways of their elimination Ignition system Possible malfunctions of system of ignition and ways of their elimination Check of system of ignition on the car Illumination and the light alarm system Possible malfunctions of illumination, the light alarm system and ways of their elimination Sound signals Malfunctions of sound signals and ways of their elimination Screen wiper Possible malfunctions of a screen wiper and ways of their elimination Possible malfunctions of a washer of a windscreen and ways of their elimination Electric motors of heaters, the fan обдува a windscreen, the electropump of system of heaters Possible malfunctions of electric motors and ways of their elimination Possible malfunctions of the electropump and ways of their elimination Devices and gauges of devices Electric equipment of cars with engines 4215С, 42150 + Electric equipment of cars with engines ZMZ-4061, ЗМЗ-4063 + 10. A car body + 11. Car maintenance service + Appendices ïîëó÷åíèå âèçû â êèòàé |
"Gazelle" Gas-2705>> Electric equipment>> Electric equipment of cars with engines ZMZ-4025, ЗМЗ-4026>> Ignition system The ignition system — батарейная, contactless — consists of the coil of ignition, the switchboard, the gauge-distributor of ignition, spark plugs, tips of candles, wires low and a high voltage. The scheme of system of ignition is shown on the scheme электорооборудования cars.
Technical characteristics of system of ignition
Ignition order..... 1—2—4—3
Gauge-distributor type..... 19.3706
Alternation of sparks, hailstones..... Through 90±1
Direction of rotation of the platen of the gauge-distributor (from outside бегунка)..... Counter-clockwise
The ignition coil..... Б116
Spark plugs..... А14ВР
Backlash between electrodes of candles, mm..... 0,8-0,95
The switchboard..... 131.3734-01
Candle tip..... 50.3707200 or 402.37707230
Resistance of the resistor in a tip, a clod..... 4—7
The ignition coil
The ignition coil is a transformer on which iron core it is reeled up secondary, and from above its primary windings. The core with windings is established in the tight steel case filled with oil and closed by a high-voltage plastic cover.
Maintenance service of the coil of ignition
For protection from possible breakdown of a plastic cover the ignition coil is necessary for clearing of a dirt, a dust and oil, to check up reliability of fastening of wires high and a low voltage.
Check of a condition of the coil.
In the malfunction coil appear because of its overheat and work with the increased backlashes of candles more often.
Before to remove the coil of ignition for replacement, it is necessary to be convinced of serviceability and reliability of joining of wires to coil conclusions. To check the coil follows at the special stand of model К-295.
The serviceable coil should provide uninterrupted искрообразование on a three-electrode needle rated sportsman with a spark backlash of 7 mm at frequency of 2500 mines-1 the gauge-distributor platen, not less.
If it is not provided uninterrupted искрообразование owing to breakdown of isolation of the coil, межвиткового short circuits, having chopped off and cracks of a plastic cover, прогара covers, depressurizations of the case and вытекания oils, it is necessary to replace the coil.
The ignition gauge-distributor
The gauge-distributor (fig. 9.28) is a set of the magnetoelectric gauge and the distributor of impulses of a high voltage.
The gauge-distributor platen is resulted in rotation from a gear wheel of a drive of the oil pump.
The centrifugal regulator of an advancing of ignition automatically changes a corner of an advancing of ignition depending on frequency of rotation of the platen of the gauge-distributor.
The vacuum regulator of an advancing of ignition automatically changes a corner of an advancing of ignition depending on loading for the engine. Parametres of these regulators are resulted more low in tab. 9.6.
Table 9.6. Change of corners of an advancing of ignition centrifugal and air regulators
Manual adjustment (at ignition installation) is carried out by gauge-distributor turn in the drive case. For turn it is necessary to release a bolt of fastening of the gauge-distributor. Turn of the case of the gauge-distributor on one division of a scale corresponds to change of a corner of an advancing on 2 ° (on an angle of rotation of a cranked shaft).
Gauge-distributor maintenance service
Correctly and in due time carried out preventive actions warn occurrence of malfunctions and increase gauge-distributor service life.
At everyone ТО-2 it is necessary to remove a high-voltage cover and бегунок the gauge-distributor and to drip 4—5 drops of engine oil on фильц (for greasing of mobile parts of a rotor).
It is necessary to watch gauge-distributor fastening. If effort of a hand the gauge-distributor turns, it should be fixed, preliminary having checked up correctness of installation of an initial corner of ignition; if it is necessary, to establish an initial corner.
The gauge-distributor cover is necessary for rubbing off carefully outside and from within a fabric moistened in pure gasoline. Attentively to check up, whether is not present in a cover and бегунке cracks or traces of breakdown by a spark and considerable обгорания or corrosion of electrodes of a cover and токоразносной a plate бегунка. Обгорание face surfaces токоразносной plates бегунка and cover electrodes specifies in excessively big radial backlash between токоразносной a plate and electrodes. Or бегунок in this case it is necessary to replace a cover.
If a cover or бегунок have no damage traces, it is necessary to wipe carefully the scorched places of electrodes of a cover and a plate бегунка a fabric slightly moistened in gasoline.
To smooth out the specified places a file it is impossible. It leads to increase in backlashes between токоразносной a plate бегунка and electrodes of a cover and further — to breakdown of a cover or бегунка.
High voltage wires should be dense against the stop are inserted into cover conclusions. Обгорание and erosion on an internal surface of nests of a cover testify that the wire is established without fixing. If the wire poorly keeps in a nest, it is necessary to dissolve slightly preliminary petals of a spring tip of a wire and to insert it into a nest against the stop.
Occurrence of an additional spark interval in a chain of a high voltage because of installation of wires of a high voltage in conclusions of a cover without fixing usually leads to burning out of plastic of a cover with its subsequent exit out of operation.
If necessary the gauge-distributor can be checked up at the special stand of model К295 or К297. In the absence of the stand it is necessary to check up a centrifugal regulator on absence of jamming. Most simply it can be made, having checked up, whether easily comes back бегунок in a starting position if it to turn a hand concerning the motionless platen, and then to release.
The gauge-distributor with a faulty centrifugal regulator is subject to repair or replacement.
Regulator adjustment is made by change of a tension of springs грузиков for the account подгибания racks on which they are fixed.
The small spring of a centrifugal regulator (weaker) should have a preliminary tightness that is provided with position of a rack of springs in an initial condition.
Gauge-distributor repair
Gauge-distributor repair consists in replacement of the worn out or faulty details with obligatory after that the adjustment providing conformity of characteristics of regulators to parametres, specified above.
Dismantling. Dismantling of the gauge-distributor for repair is necessary for carrying out in a following order:
- To remove a low voltage conclusion;
- To turn away three screws of 19 fastenings статора 20 and to remove it;
- To remove felt фильц 16 and to turn away the screw of 17 fastenings of a rotor 10 and to remove it;
- To remove a vacuum regulator 4;
- To turn away two screws 3 and to remove a support статора with the bearing 23;
- If necessary to remove springs 24 and a mobile plate of a centrifugal regulator;
- If necessary to remove a lock ring 30 with муфты 32 platens;
- To beat out a pin 31 of муфты the platen and to remove the platen.
Check of a condition of details.
The cover and бегунок is necessary for wiping periodically carefully. Especially carefully to wipe nests of conclusions of high-voltage wires of a cover. Conclusions in a cover and токоразносную are necessary for wiping a plate without application of any tool as it can increase a backlash in a high-voltage chain that is inadmissible. A cover both бегунок with cracks and прогарами are subject to replacement.
To check up, whether the central contact of a cover freely moves.
Бегунок it should be established densely on a rotor. In a nest бегунка to check up presence of a flat spring.
To examine an internal surface статора. On poles магнитопровода there should not be traces from задевания rotor poles. To check up resistance of a winding статора which should be 400—450 Ohm, and also integrity of the wire connecting a conclusion статора with a conclusion of the gauge.
To examine an external surface магнитопровода a rotor. In poles магнитопровода there should not be traces задевания for статор. To check up radial люфт a rotor on the platen which should be no more than 0,2 mm. At presence износов on the platen or a rotor to replace them.
To check up bearings on absence of jamming. At presence люфта in the bearing it is necessary to replace it. If necessary the bearing to wash out and fill on 2/3 volumes with greasing ЦИАТИМ-221. To check up serviceability of the conductor connecting a support with the case.
To check up, whether there is no deterioration of a thorn муфты. In the presence of deterioration муфту it is necessary to replace. To check up грузики on axes on absence of jamming.
In the presence of radial люфта the platen above 0,2 mm it is necessary to replace bronzo-graphite plugs. Diameters of the platen should be within 12,70,2 and 8,5 mm, and their palpation rather each other should not exceed 0,01 mm. If deterioration exceeds the specified admissions, it is necessary to replace the platen.
The worn out plugs выпрессовать and запрессовать the new. After запрессовки to develop them till the diameter of 12,7 mm.
Gauge-distributor assemblage is made in an order, the return to dismantling. Before assemblage it is necessary to grease with greasing ЦИАТИМ-221 all working surfaces of details (the platen, the bearing, etc.). At assemblage it is necessary to adjust by means of adjusting washers longitudinal люфт the platen and a rotor within 0,05—0,2 mm. After the gauge it is necessary to check up at stand K295 or similar to it. The vacuum regulator is not regulated.
The centrifugal regulator is regulated подгибкой racks of springs. On the idle engine the adjusting corner of an advancing of ignition in the end of compression in the first cylinder should be 5 ° to ВМТ.
For ignition installation it is necessary:
- To uncover the gauge-distributor; to turn out a candle of the first cylinder;
- To close a finger an aperture for a candle of the first cylinder;
- To turn a cranked shaft of the engine prior to the beginning of an air outlet from under a finger. It will occur in the beginning of a step of compression;
- Having convinced that compression has begun, cautiously turning an engine shaft, to establish a corner of an advancing of ignition 5 °.
Thus the second label on демпферной parts of a pulley of a cranked shaft should be opposite to an edge-index of a cover of distributive gear wheels.
- To weaken a bolt of fastening of the oktan-proof-reader to a drive and turn of the case of the gauge-distributor to establish an arrow of the oktan-proof-reader in average position of a scale and to tighten a bolt;
- To weaken a bolt of fastening of the oktan-proof-reader to the gauge-distributor case;
- To press a finger on бегунок against its rotation (for elimination of backlashes in a drive) and slowly to turn the case before combination of a red label on a rotor with an arrow on статоре the gauge-distributor;
- To tighten a bolt of fastening of a plate of the oktan-proof-reader to the case of the gauge-distributor and to establish a gauge-distributor cover into place;
- To establish high-voltage wires in a gauge-distributor cover according to an operating procedure of cylinders 1-2-4-3 (fig. 9.29).
After ignition installation to check up accuracy of installation of ignition, listening to the engine at car movement. For this purpose to warm up the engine till 60-90 ° With, moving on direct transfer on equal road with a speed of 30-40 km/hour, to give to the car dispersal, it is sharp, to the full, having pressed a pedal throttle заслонок. If the insignificant and short-term detonation is listened thus, installation of the moment of ignition is made correctly.
At a strong detonation to turn the gauge-distributor case on one division of a scale of the oktan-proof-reader counter-clockwise (each division of a scale corresponds to turn of a cranked shaft on a corner 4 °). At a detonation total absence to turn the gauge-distributor case on one division clockwise, after updating of the moment of ignition to check up its correctness, listening to the engine at car movement.
Ignition to adjust so that at the big loading of the engine only easy detonation was listened. At early ignition when the strong detonation is audible, the lining of a head of the block can be punched and burn through valves and pistons. At late ignition the expense of fuel and the engine sharply grows overheats.
More exact installation of ignition make by means of a stroboscope. For this purpose it is necessary:
- To attach the stroboscope gauge-distributor to a wire of a high voltage of a candle of the first cylinder;
- To get and warm up the engine;
- To check up the engine and if necessary to adjust frequency of rotation of a cranked shaft idling within 550—650 rpm;
- To include a stroboscope and to direct it on an edge-index on a cover of distributive gear wheels, the edge-index and three motionless labels on a pulley-dempfere of a cranked shaft should be thus visible.
At correctly established ignition opposite to an edge-index there should be a zone between the first and second labels of a pulley-dempfera.
If position of an edge-index and labels does not correspond specified, it is necessary to weaken a bolt of fastening of the gauge-distributor to the case of a drive and at the working engine and the included stroboscope to turn the case of the gauge-distributor before optimum position of an edge-index and labels. To tighten a bolt.
Categorically it is forbidden to leave high-voltage wires with the tips which have been not sent in addition in nests of a cover of the gauge-distributor against the stop as it will lead прогару covers.
The switchboard
The switchboard is intended for strengthening of signals of the gauge-distributor and management of a current of the coil of ignition in a primary chain.
Working capacity of the switchboard can be checked up at the stand of model К295 or К297.
In the absence of the stand to check up the switchboard it is possible on the car.