"Gazelle" Gas-2705>> Running gear>> Beam of a forward suspension bracket and steering draughts>> Replacement шкворня and plugs шкворня

Fig. 6.21. A beam of a forward suspension bracket and steering draughts: 1 — the right rotary lever; 2 — a nut; 3 — the spherical hinge; 4 — a bolt; 5 — a collar; 6 — cross-section steering draught; 7 — a tip of steering draught; 8 — a sealant of the spherical hinge; 9 — a finger of the spherical hinge; 10 — the left rotary lever; 11 — шкворень; 12 — a rotary fist; 13 — сошка; 14 — longitudinal steering draught; 15 — a beam of a forward suspension bracket

Шкворень 11 and the plug (fig. 6.21 see) are replaced when their total deterioration has reached sizes of 0,5 mm. Шкворень and plugs it is possible to replace, without removing a forward axis from the car, in such sequence:
— To raise the car for a forward beam so that wheels did not concern a floor, to establish on supports and to remove forward wheels;

Fig. 6.20. A nave of a forward wheel: 1 — a brake disk; 2 — the internal bearing; 3 — figure of a rotary fist; 4 — a washer; 5 — a nut; 6 — a nave; 7 — a nave cap; 8 — the external bearing; 9 — an epiploon; 10 — a cover шкворня; 11 — a beam of a forward suspension bracket; 12 — a wedge; 13 — a bearing sealant; 14 — the persistent bearing; 15 — шкворень; 16 — a rotary fist; 17 — a sealing wheel; 18 — the plug шкворня; 19 — a press butterdish

- To remove brake скобу and to put it on a frame; to remove a nave 6 (fig. 6.20 see) in gathering with a disk 1 and bearings;
— To turn away bolts and to remove the top and bottom covers шкворня;
- To turn away a nut, to remove a washer and to beat out бородком a lock wedge 12;

Fig. 6.24. Vykolotka-opravka шкворня

- By means of special выколотки (fig. 6.24) with replaceable heads to beat out шкворень from a rotary fist downwards;
- To remove a rotary fist and the persistent bearing;
- To clamp a rotary fist in a vice and with the help оправки to beat out plugs шкворня;
- To smooth out apertures under шкворень in a rotary fist;
- With the help оправки to establish new plugs;
- To develop plugs on pass by means of special development to x25 mm;
- To clear plugs of a metal shaving and to put on each plug a thin layer of greasing;
- To establish a rotary fist on a beam of a forward suspension bracket;
— Into the top lug of a fist to insert new шкворень, to establish the persistent bearing with a protective cap and to advance шкворень before coincidence лыски with an aperture in a beam. Before installation a surface шкворня to grease with a thin layer of greasing;
- To execute all subsequent operations of assemblage in sequence, return dismantling;
- After assemblage to grease шкворень a rotary fist through press butterdishes and to check up a convergence of wheels.