"Gazelle" Gas-2705>> Transmission>> Transmission>> Transmission repair
Transmission removal
Box removal is necessary for making in a following order:
- To establish the car on a platform, the lift or a viewing hole, to provide convenient access to a transmission from below;
- To disconnect from a transmission the gear change lever for what from within a body to lift to the lever handle an external rubber sealant of a floor, to remove a rubber protective sealant from a cap of a mouth of the mechanism of a gear change, to turn away a cap and to take out the lever from a mouth upwards;
- To merge oil from a transmission;
- To disconnect from a transmission карданный a shaft (Kardannaja transfer »see«);
- To disconnect from a transmission a flexible cable of a wire of the switch of light of a backing and the gauge of speed if there is no cable;
- To turn away two bolts of fastening of the working cylinder to картеру couplings, to lift upwards the working cylinder with a pusher, without disconnecting it from the pipeline;
- To remove a plug of deenergizing of coupling;
— To turn away fastening bolts to картеру transmissions and to pipes of the muffler and to remove a connecting arm of a suspension bracket of the muffler;
- To turn away a nut of fastening of a back support to a transmission;
- To disconnect a cross-beam from arms of longerons;
— To turn away a nut of hairpins of fastening of a transmission to картеру couplings and to remove a transmission together with the bearing of deenergizing of coupling.
Transmission dismantling
Transmission dismantling is necessary for making in a following order:
— To remove муфту with the bearing of deenergizing of coupling from a forward cover of a transmission;
- To remove поролоновые rings from a forward cover;
- To disconnect and remove a back support of the engine with a cross-beam;
- To turn out the switch of light of a backing with a lining;
- To turn out сапун;

Fig. 5.16. Отворачивание a bolt of fastening of an axis of an intermediate gear wheel of a backing on forward картере

- To turn away a bolt of fastening of the plug of an axis of an intermediate gear wheel of the backing located on the left side of forward картера (fig. 5.16);

Fig. 5.13. The Transmission (longitudinal section): And — двухконусный the synchronizer; 1 — a primary shaft; 2 — a cover of the bearing of a primary shaft; 3 — an epiploon; 4 — the ball bearing of a primary shaft; 5 — a lock ring; 6 — the roller bearing of a secondary shaft; 7 — сапун; 8 — a blocking ring; 9 — муфта inclusions; 10 — a synchronizer cracker; 11 — a nave муфты inclusions of 3rd, 4th transfers; 12 — a gear wheel of 3rd transfer; 13 — the needle bearing of a gear wheel; 14 — a lock ring of half rings; 15 — a half ring; 16 — a gear wheel of the second transfer; 17 — a lock ring; 18 — a gear wheel of 1st transfer; 19 — a secondary shaft; 20 — a backing gear wheel; 21 — a plug of inclusion of 5th transfer and a backing; 22 — a nave муфты inclusions of 5th transfer and a backing; 23 — a bolt of fastening of a plate of a clamp; 24 — a plate; 25 — a spring of clamps; 26 — a ball of clamps; 27 — a spring of the blocking plug; 28 — the plug blocking; 29 — a head of a rod of inclusion of 5th transfer and a backing; 30 — the case of the lever of switching; 31 — a gear wheel of 5th transfer; 32 — a washer persistent; 33 — the plug распорная; 34 — картер transmissions back; 35 — an epiploon; 36 — an axis of an intermediate gear wheel of a backing; 37 — the needle bearing of an intermediate gear wheel of a backing; 38 — an intermediate gear wheel of a backing; 39 — a pin; 40 — a bolt of fastening of the plug of an axis of an intermediate gear wheel of a backing; 41 — the plug of an axis of an intermediate gear wheel of a backing; 42 — the ball bearing of a secondary shaft; 43 — a ring lock the bearing of a secondary shaft; 44 — a ring lock; 45 — the bearing; 46 — a stopper маслосливная; 47 — the block of gear wheels; 48 — a stopper маслоналивная; 49 — картер transmissions forward; 50 — adjusting linings

- To turn away bolts of a cover of the bearing of a primary shaft 2 (fig. 5.13 see) and to uncover;
- To remove a lining between a cover and картером transmissions;
- To remove a lock ring of the bearing of a primary shaft;
- To turn away bolts of fastening forward and back картеров;

Fig. 5.17. Separation forward and back картеров

- To separate forward and back картеры transmissions, keeping back and moving forward картер (influencing fastening ears to картеру couplings) (fig. 5.17). At separation картеров not to influence at all an end face of a sock of a primary shaft as it leads to synchronizer damage;
- To remove a lining between forward and back картерами;
- To take out from a nest in forward картере an external holder of the conic bearing;
- To take out from a nest under the bearing of the block of gear wheels in forward картере adjusting linings;
- To turn out from forward картера маслоналивную and маслосливные stoppers;
- To move a rod of inclusion of 5th transfer and a backing in position of inclusion of a backing;
- To turn out lock bolts of fastening of three plugs of a gear change;
- To turn out bolts of fastening and to remove the case of the lever of a gear change;
- To remove a lining of the case of the lever of a gear change. In a mouth of the case of the lever of switching and in the left lateral wall, and also springs and safety locks without need it is not necessary to take out pins. If safety locks заедают and badly come back under the influence of springs it is necessary to beat out them заглушки and to take out springs and safety locks from the case;
- To turn out bolts of fastening and to remove a plate of clamps of rods;
- To remove a lining of a plate of clamps;
- To take out three springs and three balls of clamps of rods of a gear change;
- To take out заглушку apertures under lock плунжеры on the left side of back картера transmissions;
- To take out a rod of inclusion of 5th transfer and a backing with a head;
- To remove a plug with crackers;
- To take out lock плунжер;
- To turn out a lock bolt and to remove from a rod of inclusion of 5th transfer and a backing a head, the plug blocking and a spring of the blocking plug;
- To take out a rod of inclusion of 1st and 2nd transfers with a head;
- To remove a plug with crackers;
- To turn out a lock bolt and to remove from a rod a head of deenergizing of 1st and 2nd transfers;
- To take out a rod of inclusion of 3rd and 4th transfers with a lock finger;
- To remove a plug with crackers;
- To take out a lock finger;
- To take out lock плунжер from back картера;
- To take out plugs of a gear change from grooves муфт;
- To turn away a bolt and to remove a stopper of fastening of the union of a conducted gear wheel of a drive of a speedometer;
- To take out from back картера the union and a conducted gear wheel of a drive of a speedometer;

Fig. 5.18. Отворачивание a bolt of fastening of an axis of an intermediate gear wheel of a backing on back картере

- To turn out a bolt of fastening of an axis of an intermediate gear wheel of a backing on the left side of back картера (fig. 5.18);

Fig. 5.19. Dismantle of the complete set of shaft and gear wheels from back картера

- Through an aperture under the case of the lever of a gear change (by means of nippers) to dissolve moustaches of a lock ring of the ball bearing of a secondary shaft (thus the ring will be drowned in bore back картера) and выпрессовать a secondary shaft in gathering with the bearing from a nest in back картере, influencing a back end face of a secondary shaft (fig. 5.19). Thus simultaneously from a back crater will occur выпрессовка the block of gear wheels to ball bearings (or with internal holders of conic bearings) and axes of an intermediate gear wheel of a backing in gathering;
- To take out from back картера an external holder from the conic bearing;
- To take out from the complete set of the block of gear wheels an intermediate gear wheel with an axis in gathering, a secondary and primary shaft in gathering.
Dismantling of a primary shaft
Dismantling of a primary shaft is necessary for making in a following order:
- To mark blocking ring of the synchronizer that at assemblage to establish it on a former place;
- To take out rollers from a sock of a primary shaft;
- To remove lock and spring rings of the ball bearing of a primary shaft;
- To remove the ball bearing of a primary shaft.
Dismantling of the block of gear wheels
For dismantling of the block of gear wheels it is necessary to press ball bearings or internal holders of conic bearings from the ends of an intermediate shaft of the block of gear wheels.
Dismantling of an axis of an intermediate gear wheel of a backing
For dismantling of an axis of an intermediate gear wheel of a backing it is necessary:
- выпрессовать a spring pin from an axis and the axis plug;
- To remove from an axis an intermediate gear wheel with bearing needles.
Dismantling of a secondary shaft
Dismantling of a secondary shaft to make in a following order:
- To remove lock and spring rings of a nave of 3rd and 4th transfers;
- To remove from a secondary shaft a nave and муфту inclusions of 3rd and 4th transfers in gathering with crackers and synchronizer springs for what, keeping a shaft vertically, to strike an end face of a sock of a shaft on a wooden lining;
- To check up presence of the combined labels on a nave and муфте inclusions of 3rd and 4th transfers and if they are not present, to put labels that at assemblage to establish these details in former position;
- To remove from a nave муфту inclusions of 3rd and 4th transfers;
- To take out synchronizer crackers (3 pieces);
- To take out from a nave of a spring of the synchronizer (2 pieces);
- To remove a gear wheel of 3rd transfer with a blocking ring and the needle bearing;
- To remove blocking ring from a gear wheel of 3rd transfer;
- To mark blocking ring that at assemblage to establish it on a former place;
- To take out the needle bearing in a plastic separator;
- To mark it that at assemblage to establish on a former place;
- To remove a lock ring of half rings of a secondary shaft;
- To remove two persistent half rings;
- To take out lock штиф;
- To remove a gear wheel of 2nd transfer with the needle bearing and 3 rings of the synchronizer;
- To take out the needle bearing in a plastic separator and to mark it that at assemblage to establish on a former place;
- To remove from a secondary shaft a lock ring;
- To remove from a secondary shaft a nave and муфту inclusions of 1st and 2nd transfers in gathering with crackers, springs of the synchronizer and with external, internal and average rings of the synchronizer for what, keeping a shaft vertically, to strike its sock on a wooden lining;
- To check up presence of the combined labels on a nave and муфте inclusions of 1st and 2nd transfers and if they are not present, to put labels that at assemblage to establish these details in former position;
— To remove from a nave муфту inclusions of 1st and 2nd transfers;
- To take out synchronizer crackers;
- To take out from a nave of a spring of the synchronizer;
- To remove a gear wheel of 1st transfer with the needle bearing;
- To take out the needle bearing in a plastic separator;
- To mark the bearing that at assemblage to establish it on a former place;
- To remove lock and spring rings of a leading gear wheel of a drive of a speedometer;
- To remove from a secondary shaft a leading gear wheel of a drive of a speedometer;
- To take out a lock ball of a leading gear wheel of a drive of a speedometer;
- To remove the ball bearing;
- To remove a persistent washer of the ball bearing;
- To remove from a secondary shaft a gear wheel of 5th transfer with a blocking ring of the synchronizer, the needle bearing in a plastic separator and распорной the plug;
- To remove blocking ring from a gear wheel of 5th transfer; to mark blocking ring that at assemblage to establish it on a former place;
- To take out the needle bearing;
- To remove a lock ring of a nave муфты inclusions of 5th transfer and a backing;
- To remove from a secondary shaft a nave and муфту inclusions of 5th transfer and a backing in gathering with crackers and synchronizer springs for what, keeping a shaft vertically, to strike an end face of a secondary shaft on a wooden lining;
- To check up presence of the combined labels on a nave and муфте inclusions of 5th transfer and a backing, and if they are not present to put labels that at assemblage to establish these details in former position;
- To remove from a nave муфту inclusions of 5th transfer and a backing;
- To take out synchronizer crackers (3 pieces);
- To take out from a nave of a spring of the synchronizer (2 pieces);
- To remove a gear wheel of a backing with a blocking ring and the needle bearing;
- To remove blocking ring from a backing gear wheel; to mark blocking ring that at assemblage to establish it on a former place;
- To take out the needle bearing in a plastic separator;
- To mark it that at assemblage to establish on a former place.
Dismantling of the lever of switching
Dismantling of the lever of switching to make as follows:
- To turn away the handle and to remove a body floor sealant;
- To pull out шилом plastic запорную the plug and to take out the bottom part of the lever of a gear change from the top;
- To remove rubber and plastic details of the antivibrating device;
- To remove a cap sealant, a cap, a saddle of a spring and a spring.
Survey and the control of a technical condition of engines
After dismantling of a detail of a transmission it is necessary to wash out carefully then attentively to examine them for definition of absence of ruptures of linings, забоин and рисок on привалочных surfaces, сминания and developments in nests under bearings, curvature of rods, износов a spherical head of the lever, cracks on картере and covers, damages of bodies качения and separators of bearings, a working edge of epiploons, задиров on сталебаббитовом the bearing back картера, having chopped off on lateral surfaces and end faces of teeths of gear wheels and gear wreaths of synchronizers, developments on cones, питтинга on rollers, necks of a secondary shaft, задиров on persistent washers and apertures in gear wheels, curvature of plugs and rods of the mechanism of switching of transfer, considerable износов on pads of plugs of switching, задиров and agnails on rods, разбалтывания pins and сминания apertures under them in a mouth of the mechanism of a gear change etc.
It is necessary to replace the damaged details.
Transmission assemblage
Transmission assemblage is carried out in sequence, return dismantling. At assemblage it is necessary to consider the following. Each pair of gear wheels steals up at factory on noise, therefore replacement of gear wheels can cause some increase in noise of a transmission.

Fig. 5.20. The complete set of rings of the synchronizer of 1st — 2nd transfers: 1 — an external ring; 2 — an average ring; 3 — internally a ring

At selection of rings of the synchronizer to cones of gear wheels of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th transfers, a backing and a primary shaft it is necessary to pay attention to that rings densely adjoined to a cone surface. Rings are necessary for grinding in to cones; the surface of contact of a ring with a cone should be not less than 80 %. External, average and internal rings двухконусного the synchronizer of 1-1-2nd transfers get used simultaneously and after grinding in form not divided complete set (also as well as the ground in gear wheels and rings одноконусных synchronizers of other transfers). In 10 kg compressed under loading the complete set of rings двухконусного the synchronizer discrepancy of end faces And and In (pиc. 5.20) an external and internal ring from position in one plane should be within 0,1 mm.
The backlash between an end face of an external ring and an end face прямозубого a wreath on gear wheels of 3rd, 5th transfers, a backing and on primary to a shaft for new details should be within 1,1—1,5 mm.
If were replaced конусные gear wreaths of the synchronizer of 3rd, 4th, 5th transfers and a backing it is necessary polishing in gathering with a gear wheel to provide palpation of a cone concerning an internal aperture of a gear wheel no more than 0,025 mm.
Axial backlashes of gear wheels of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th transfers and backing are in limits of 0,15-0,35 mm. They are provided structurally and adjustment do not demand.
The axial backlash of the block of gear wheels should be within 0,03—0,11 mm. It is provided with selection and installation of adjusting linings between an end face of an external holder of the bearing of the block and a nest end face under the bearing in forward картере.
Naves муфт switchings напрессовать on a secondary shaft in gathering with муфтами, crackers and springs of synchronizers. At statement of naves on a shaft it is necessary to pick up probably more dense nozzle.

Fig. 5.21. Installation of springs of the synchronizer

Муфты the switchings collected with naves, should have a lateral backlash in шлицах 0,01—0,05 mm; this backlash is necessary for receiving individual selection at assemblage, having provided thus easy axial moving of details. The unbent ends of both springs of synchronizers should be located in one cracker, and coils of springs should be directed every which way (fig. 5.21).
Разномерность diameters of rollers of the bearing of the forward end of a secondary shaft, and also rollers of an intermediate gear wheel of a backing should be no more than 0,005 mm.
Bearings follows напрессовывать on shaft, putting effort only to an internal ring of the bearing.
All details of a transmission should be greased by a thin layer трансмиссионного oils, grooves of heads of switching — a kolloidno-graphitic preparation or солидолом, for convenience of assemblage greasing of roller bearings of the forward end of a secondary shaft and an intermediate gear wheel of a backing, ball bearings, crackers and springs of synchronizers and other details солидолом or консталином is supposed. New bearings should be established in factory preservation.
Before assemblage without fail to grease солидолом or консталином сталебаббитовый the bearing back картера and an edge of epiploons. At assemblage of a lining and fixing bolts it is necessary to grease with a thin layer of paste "hermetic".
It is necessary to replace the damaged linings new.
At transmission assemblage it is necessary to consider the sizes of interfaced details of a transmission (tab. 5.3).

Assemblage of the lever of a gear change
For assemblage of the lever of a gear change it is necessary:
- To establish on the bottom part of the lever of a gear change consistently spring, a spring saddle, a cap, a protective sealant, details of the antivibrating device of the top and bottom parts of the lever of switching, namely: запорную the plug, the bottom rubber pillow, распорную the plug, the top rubber pillow and a persistent cone;
- To insert подсобранную the bottom part of the lever of switching in top and to fix запорной the plug;
- To put on the lever a floor sealant;
- To screw on the lever the handle.
Assemblage of a primary shaft
For assemblage of a primary shaft it is necessary:
- напрессовать the bearing on a neck of a primary shaft;
- To establish spring and lock rings;
- To insert rollers into a sock of a primary shaft (14 pieces);
- To establish on a cone of a primary shaft blocking ring of the synchronizer preliminary ground in with it.
Assemblage of the block of gear wheels
For assemblage of the block of gear wheels it is necessary:
- напрессовать demountable wreaths of the block of gear wheels on an intermediate shaft. Before напрессовкой gear wheels to heat up in the furnace to temperature 150 ° C within 30 minutes, and an intermediate shaft to cool in dry ice within 30 minutes;
- To establish a lock ring;
- напрессовать on necks of an intermediate shaft ball bearings or internal holders with rollers of conic bearings, influencing thus an internal holder of the bearing.
Assemblage of an axis of an intermediate gear wheel of a backing
For assemblage of an axis of an intermediate gear wheel of a backing it is necessary:
- To insert needles into an aperture of an intermediate gear wheel of a backing (21 pieces);
- To establish an intermediate gear wheel of a backing with needles on an axis;
- To establish on an axis the axis plug;
- To turn the axis plug so that заходные apertures with a facet under bolts of fastening of an axis in the plug and an axis in a head lay in one plane, and запрессовать an elastic pin.
Assemblage of a secondary shaft
For assemblage of a secondary shaft it is necessary:
- To collect naves with crackers, springs of synchronizers and муфтами inclusions according to the instructions resulted above;
- запрессовать in a secondary shaft a pin of a persistent washer of the ball-bearing of a secondary shaft. The pin edge should settle down below a neck surface under a gear wheel of 5th transfer;
- To establish on a cone of a gear wheel of a backing blocking ring of the synchronizer preliminary ground in with it;
- To establish in an aperture of a gear wheel of a backing the needle bearing in a separator;
- To establish a gear wheel of a backing with the needle bearing and a blocking ring of the synchronizer on a secondary shaft;
- напрессовать on a secondary shaft подсобранную a nave with муфтой inclusions of 5th transfer and a backing; at напрессовке to watch, that ledges of a blocking ring of the synchronizer on a backing gear wheel have entered into nave grooves;
- To establish a lock ring of a nave of 5th transfer and a backing;
- To establish on a cone of a gear wheel of 5th transfer blocking ring of the synchronizer preliminary ground in with it;
- To establish in an aperture of a gear wheel of 5th transfer the needle bearing in a separator and распорную the plug;
- To establish a gear wheel of 5th transfer with the needle bearing and a blocking ring of the synchronizer on a secondary shaft, thus to watch, that ledges on a blocking ring have entered into nave grooves;
- To establish on a secondary shaft a persistent washer of the ball-bearing of a secondary shaft, watching that запрессованный in a shaft the pin has entered into grooves of a persistent washer; напрессовать the bearing;
- To insert into a secondary shaft a lock ball, to put on a leading gear wheel of a drive of a speedometer;
- To establish spring and lock rings;
- To establish in an aperture of a gear wheel of 1st transfer the needle bearing in a separator;
- To establish a gear wheel of 1st transfer with the needle bearing on a secondary shaft;
- To establish on a secondary shaft external, internal and average rings of the synchronizer, подсобранную a nave with муфтой inclusions of 1st and 2nd transfers, crackers and springs. At installation to watch, that:

Fig. 5.14. The Dvuhkonusnyj synchronizer of 1st — 2nd transfers: 1 — муфта; 2 — a nave; 3 — a secondary shaft; 4 — a gear wheel; 5 — a synchronizer cracker; 7 — a gear wheel of 1st transfer; 8 — a ring internal; 9 — a ring an average; 10 — a gear wreath; 11 — a ring external

• ledges of an average ring have entered into apertures of a gear wreath (fig. 5.14 see) synchronizer on a gear wheel of 1st transfer.
• ledges of an external ring сннхронизатора have entered into grooves of a gear wreath of a nave;
• short moustaches of an internal ring of the synchronizer have entered into flutes at a nave end face;
- To establish a lock ring;
- To insert into an aperture of a gear wheel of 2nd transfer the needle bearing in a separator;
- To establish on a secondary shaft external, internal and average rings of the synchronizer and подсобранную with the needle bearing a gear wheel of 2nd transfer. At installation to watch, that:
• short moustaches of an internal ring of the synchronizer have entered into flutes at a nave end face;
• ledges of an average ring have entered also apertures of a gear wreath of the synchronizer on a gear wheel of 1st transfer;
• ledges of an external ring of the synchronizer have entered on grooves of a gear wreath of a nave;
- To insert into a secondary shaft a lock ball, to enclose in a flute two persistent half rings (slanting cuts of half rings should be turned to a ball) and to establish on them a lock ring;
- To establish on a cone of a gear wheel of 3rd transfer blocking ring of the synchronizer preliminary ground in with it;
- To establish in an aperture of a gear wheel of 3rd transfer the needle bearing in a separator;
- To put on a gear wheel of 3rd transfer with the needle bearing and a blocking ring of the synchronizer a secondary shaft;
- напрессовать on a secondary shaft подсобранную a nave with муфтой inclusions of 3rd and 4th transfers;
- At напрессовке to watch, that ledges of a blocking ring on a gear wheel of 3rd transfer have entered into nave grooves;
- To establish spring and lock rings of a nave муфты inclusions of 3rd and 4th transfers.
The subsequent assemblage of a transmission
For the subsequent assemblage of a transmission it is necessary:
- запрессовать in back картер epiploons заподлицо with an end face of a mouth and an external holder of the back conic bearing of the block of gear wheels;
- To establish in back кapтep transmissions, in a flute, a lock ring of the ball bearing of a secondary shaft;
- To establish on подсобранном secondary to a shaft муфту inclusions of 5th transfer and a backing in position of inclusion of a backing;
- To put on a sock подсобранного a secondary shaft подсобранный a primary shaft; thus it is necessary to watch, that ledges of a blocking ring of the synchronizer on primary to a shaft have entered into nave grooves муфты inclusions of 3rd and 4th transfers;

Fig. 5.22. Shaft and gear wheels of a transmission after their assemblage

- To put to wreaths of the gear wheels connected primary and secondary shaft, подсобранные blocks of gear wheels and an axis of an intermediate gear wheel of a backing with a gear wheel, having formed the complete set for assemblage (fig. 5.22). The axis of an intermediate gear wheel should be turned лыской in the complete set.

Fig. 5.23. Connection by belts in the complete set of shaft and gear wheels

For convenience of the further installation it is possible to pull together turned out complete set with belts (fig. 5.23);
- To establish in a vice vertically back картер transmissions with the established lock ring of the ball bearing of a secondary shaft;

Fig. 5.24. Installation of shaft of gear wheels in back картер

- To insert in back картер the complete set of shaft, to dissolve the unbent ends of a lock ring and, keeping them in such position, запрессовать in nests on back картере bearings of a secondary shaft and the block of gear wheels on half of their length, influencing alternately an end face of a gear wheel of 1st transfer and a forward end face of an intermediate shaft (fig. 5.24);
- To release the unbent ends of a lock ring and допрессовать the bearing of a secondary shaft in a nest back картера while the lock ring will not settle down simultaneously in a flute in back картере and in a bearing flute. Thus simultaneously допрессовать the bearing of the block of gear wheels against the stop in a wall of a nest back картера;
- To establish on bed in back картере an axis of an intermediate gear wheel of a backing in gathering and to wrap (but not to the full) a fastening bolt;
- To enclose in grooves муфт switchings of a plug of corresponding transfers with crackers;

Fig. 5.25. Оправка for installation lock плунжера

- To establish lock плунжер the blocking mechanism between apertures of a rod of inclusion of 3rd both 4th transfers and a rod of 1st and 2nd transfers; for convenience it is expedient to use оправку (fig. 5.25), consistently inserting it into apertures under a rod of 5th transfer and a backing and in an aperture under a rod of 3rd and 4th transfers;
- To establish in a rod of inclusion of 3rd and 4th transfers a lock finger;
- To establish a rod of inclusion of 3rd and 4th transfers with a finger of the mechanism of blocking in an aperture картера and a head of a plug of inclusion of 3rd and 4th transfers; to fix a plug on a rod a lock bolt;
- To establish on a rod of inclusion of 1st and 2nd transfers a head and to fix a lock bolt;
- To insert a rod into an aperture картера and in a head of a plug of inclusion of 1st and 2nd transfers, to fix a plug on a rod a bolt;

Fig. 5.26. Installation lock плунжера: 1 — a rod; 2 — a lock finger; 3 — оправка; 4 — back картер; 5 — small beards; 6 — lock плунжер

- To establish lock плунжер 6 (fig. 5.26) the blocking mechanism against the stop in a rod of inclusion of 3rd and 4th transfers; for convenience it is expedient to use оправку (fig. 5.25 see);
- To establish on a rod of inclusion of 5th transfer and a backing a spring, the blocking plug, a head and to fix a lock bolt;
- To insert a rod of inclusion of 5th transfer with a spring, the blocking plug and a head into an aperture картера and a head of a plug of inclusion of 5th transfer and a backing, to fix a plug on a rod a lock bolt; thus one unbent end of a spring of the blocking plug should be inserted into an aperture in a wall back картера transmissions, and another is got in dredging of the blocking plug so that the moustache of the blocking plug has been pressed to a head of a rod of inclusion of 5th transfer and a backing;
- To move a rod of inclusion of 5th transfer and a backing in neutral position at which grooves in heads of all three rods coincide;
- To establish three balls and three springs of clamps of rods;
- To establish a lining and a plate of clamps and to fix fastening bolts;
- запрессовать заглушку in an aperture under плунжером the blocking mechanism (fig. 5.26);
- To establish in back картер the union and a conducted gear wheel of a drive of a speedometer;
- To establish a stopper of the union of a speedometer and to fix its bolt;
- To screw in forward картер magnetic маслоналивную a stopper;
- To define a package of adjusting linings of the block of gear wheels.
The thickness of a package of linings Т should be such that at assemblage the tightness of conic bearings of the block of gear wheels within 0,03—0,11 mm has been provided:
(Or a backlash within 0,0—0,2 mm in case of installation of ball bearings: Т=А+З–В+С),
- Where And — the actual size from back привалочного an end face forward картера to a nest end face under the bearing in forward картере, mm; Н () — a tightness of conic bearings of the block of gear wheels within 0,03—0,11 mm:
(Or a backlash within 0,0—0,2 mm in case of installation of ball bearings: Т=А+З–В+С); In — the actual size from привалочного an end face back картера to an end face of an external holder of the forward bearing of the block of gear wheels (after installation of the block of gear wheels in back картер), mm; With — a settlement thickness compressed between end faces forward and back картеров паронитовой the linings, equal 0,33 mm.
Further it is necessary to continue transmission assemblage, for what:
- To establish a package of the picked up linings in a nest forward картера;
- To establish an external holder of the forward conic bearing of the block of gear wheels in a nest forward картера;
- To establish in a vice подсобранный with shaft back картер transmissions in vertical position;
- To establish on an end face forward картера паронитовую a lining;

Fig. 5.27. Installation forward картера

- Keeping constantly primary shaft in extreme top position (extending it upwards), напрессовать forward картер on ball bearings of a primary shaft and the block of gear wheels, having combined adjusting plugs-probes on forward картере with corresponding apertures in back картере transmissions (fig. 5.27) (this operation is expedient for spending together);
- To wrap 10 bolts of fastening forward and back картеров;
- To establish a lock ring in a flute of the ball bearing of a primary shaft;
- запрессовать an epiploon in a cover of the bearing of a primary shaft against the stop;
- To put on on бурт covers of the ball bearing of a primary shaft a lining;
- To establish a cover of the ball bearing with a lining of a primary shaft and to fix three bolts;
- To screw in forward картер a bolt of fastening of an axis of an intermediate gear wheel of a backing and to tighten a bolt of its fastening on back картере;
- To screw сапун in forward картер;
- To establish on the switch of light of a backing a lining and to screw it in forward картер;
- To screw маслоналивную a stopper;
- To establish a lining and the case of the lever of a gear change and to fix their bolts.