GAS a 2705/gazelleГАЗ-2705, ГАЗ-2705 "Kombi"Introduction + 1. Car nameplate data 2. Specifications and characteristics of cars 3. Controls and devices - 4. The engine + Engines ZMZ-4025,-4026 + Engines UMZ-4215S *, УМЗ-42150* - Engines ZMZ-4061, ЗМЗ-4063 Case details The krivoshipno-shatunnyj mechanism The gazoraspredelitelnyj mechanism System of greasing of the engine Ventilation system картера Cooling system The power supply system System рециркуляции the fulfilled gases Features of maintenance service of the engine Diagnostics of a technical condition of the engine Engine repair + 5. Transmission + 6. A running gear + 7. A steering + 8. Brake system + 9. An electric equipment + 10. A car body + 11. Car maintenance service + Appendices Escorts |
"Gazelle" Gas-2705>> The engine>> Engines ZMZ-4061, ЗМЗ-4063>> System рециркуляции the fulfilled gases
The system рециркуляции the fulfilled gases (СРОГ) (fig. 4.132) serves for decrease in emission of toxic substances with the fulfilled gases by giving of a part of the fulfilled gases from a final collector in engine cylinders.
Рециркуляция the fulfilled gases it is carried out on the engine, heated-up to temperature of a cooling liquid not more low 35—40 ° With on partial loadings.
The system рециркуляции the fulfilled gases does not idle and at full opening throttle заслонок.
Management of system work рециркуляции the fulfilled gases is carried out by operating depression from the first chamber of the carburettor 2, transferred through the thermovacuum switch 7 established in a shirt of 5 heatings of an inlet pipe on hoses 3 and 6 to valve 1 рециркуляции, established on an inlet pipe 4. Thus the part of the fulfilled gases brought on a tube 8 from final collector through the open valve рециркуляции, arrives in an inlet path and further in engine cylinders.
In the absence of operating depression in a hose 6 valve рециркуляции under action циндрической springs is closed also system рециркуляции the fulfilled gases does not work. For check of working capacity of system рециркуляции the fulfilled gases on heated-up to temperature of a cooling liquid 50—60 ° With the engine it is necessary to increase sharply frequency of rotation of a cranked shaft — from small frequency of rotation idling to 2500 mines-1 and to observe visually of moving of a rod of the valve 1 рециркуляции.
In case of absence of moving of a rod it is necessary to check up presence of operating depression on the same modes on диафрагменном the valve mechanism рециркуляции. If depression is available, the valve is faulty, and it is necessary to replace it; if depression is not present, the thermovacuum switch is faulty, and it is necessary to replace it.
Operation of the car with faulty system рециркуляции the fulfilled gases conducts to unstable work of the engine idling, to the over-expenditure of fuel and the raised emission of toxic substances.