"Gazelle" Gas-2705>> The engine>> Engines ZMZ-4061, ЗМЗ-4063>> The gazoraspredelitelnyj mechanism
The engine has two paths: inlet and final.
Inlet path
The inlet path consists of the inlet pipe cast from an aluminium alloy. The inlet pipe through паронитовую a lining five hairpins fastens to a head of the block of cylinders on the right.
From above in an average part of an inlet pipe there is a platform to which through a lining on four hairpins М8 the carburettor fastens.
From below under the carburettor the inlet pipe has a shirt for its heating. The shirt is closed by a cover cast from an aluminium alloy and fixed to an inlet pipe through a lining by five bolts М6. Two unions are screwed In a cover for a supply and tap of a liquid of heating.
The heating of an inlet pipe is carried out by a cooling liquid which is brought from a shirt of the block of cylinders and taken away in the pump of a cooling liquid through rubber hoses.
On a vertical platform in an average part of an inlet pipe through a lining on two hairpins the valve рециркуляции the fulfilled gases is fixed. In a wall of a shirt of an inlet pipe will screw the thermovacuum switch.
Besides, two unions are screwed in an inlet pipe for depression selection to the gauge of absolute pressure and to the vacuum amplifier of brakes.
Final collector
The final collector is cast from pig-iron and through four steel linings восемью hairpins fastens to a head of the block of cylinders at the left.
For improvement of clearing of cylinders of the engine from the fulfilled gases and its increase мощностных indicators branch pipes of a final collector from the first and the fourth, and also from the second and third cylinders are in pairs connected among themselves.
In a final collector will screw the union for a supply of a part of the fulfilled gases to the valve рециркуляции.
Camshafts are cast from pig-iron. The engine has two camshafts: for inlet and final valves. Profiles of cams of camshafts the identical. For achievement of high wear resistance the working surface of cams is bleached to high hardness at camshaft casting.
Each shaft has five basic necks. The first neck has diameter of 42 mm, the others — 35 mm. Shaft rotate in the support formed by an aluminium head and aluminium covers, chiseled in gathering.
Cams on width are displaced on 1 mm concerning an axis of hydraulic pushers that at engine work gives to a pusher a rotary motion. As a result of it deterioration of an end face of a pusher and an aperture under a pusher decreases and does its uniform.
From axial movings each camshaft is kept by the persistent steel thermostrengthened or plastic flange which enters into bore of a cover of a forward support and in проточку on a forward basic neck of a camshaft. Camshafts provide following phases газораспределения: inlet valves open with an advancing on 14 ° before piston arrival in ВМТ, are closed with delay on 46 ° after piston arrival in НМТ, final valves open with an advancing 46 ° before piston arrival in НМТ and are closed with delay on 14 ° after piston arrival in ВМТ. The specified phases газораспределения are valid at correct installation of a drive of camshafts. Height of lifting of valves — 9 mm.
Drive of camshafts

Fig. 4.118. A drive of camshafts: 1 — an asterisk of a cranked shaft; 2 — гидронатяжитель the bottom chain; 3 — шумоизолирущая a rubber washer; 4 — a stopper; 5 — a boot гидронатяжителя the bottom chain; 6 — the bottom chain; 7 — a conducted asterisk of an intermediate shaft; 8 — a leading asterisk of an intermediate shaft; 9 — a boot гидронатяжителя the top chain; 10 — гидронатяжитель the top chain; 11 — the top chain; 12 — an adjusting label on an asterisk; 13 — an adjusting pin; 14 — an asterisk of a camshaft of inlet valves; 15 — top успокоитель chains; 16 — an asterisk of a camshaft of final valves; 17 — the top plane of a head of the block of cylinders; 18 — average успокоитель chains; 19 — bottom успокоитель chains; 20 — a chain cover; Ml and М2 — adjusting labels on the block of cylinders

Drive of camshafts (fig. 4.118) — chain, two-level. The first step — from a cranked shaft on the intermediate shaft, the second step — from an intermediate shaft on camshafts.
The privodnaja chain of the first step (bottom) has 70 links, the second step (top) — 90 links. A chain втулочная, двухрядная with step of 9,525 mm.
On cranked to a shaft there is an asterisk 1 of high-strength pig-iron with 23 teeths. On intermediate to a shaft there is a conducted asterisk 7 first steps also from high-strength pig-iron with 38 teeths and a leading steel asterisk 8 second steps with 19 teeths. On camshafts asterisks 14 and 16 of high-strength pig-iron with 23 teeths are established. The asterisk on distributive to a shaft is established on a forward flange and an adjusting pin and fastens the central bolt of M 12u1,25. Camshafts rotate twice more slowly the cranked.
At end faces of an asterisk cranked валa, a conducted asterisk of an intermediate shaft and asterisks of camshafts there are the adjusting labels serving for correct installation of camshafts and maintenance of set phases газораспределения.
The tension of each chain (bottom 6 and top 11) is made automatically — гидронатяжителями 2 and 10. Гидронатяжители are established in the chiseled apertures: bottom — in a cover of a chain 20, top — in a head of the block of cylinders — also are closed by the aluminium covers fixed on a cover of a chain and to a head of cylinders by two bolts М8 through паронитовые of a lining.
The case гидронатяжителя through шумоизолирующую a rubber washer 3 rests against a cover, and плунжер through a boot operates on a non-working branch of a chain. Besides, in a cover there is an aperture with a conic carving To 1/8 ", closed by a stopper 4 through which гидронатяжитель"is discharged".
Boots are made of plastic with a curvilinear working surface and with steel basic platforms on which press плунжеры гидронатяжителей.
Boots 5 and 9 are established консольно on the axes screwed in a forward end face of the block of cylinders.
Working branches of chains pass through успокоители 15, 18 and 19, made of plastic and fixed by two bolts М8 everyone: bottom 19 — at a forward end face of the block of cylinders, top 15 and average 18 — at a forward end face of a head of the block of cylinders.

Fig. 4.119. Гидронатяжитель in gathering: 1 — the valve in gathering; 2 — запорное a ring; 3 — плунжер; 4 — the case; 5 — a spring; 6 — a lock ring

Гидронатяжитель (fig. 4.119) — steel, is executed in a kind плунжерной the pair consisting of the case 4 and плунжера 3. Inside плунжера the spring 5 which is compressed by the case of the valve 1 with an external carving in which the return ball valve is located is established. The case 4 and плунжер 3 are connected among themselves through the ratchet device consisting from запорного of a ring 2, ring flutes in the case and flutes of a special profile on плунжере. Гидронатяжитель it is established on the engine in "the charged" condition when плунжер 3 it is kept in the case 4 by means of a lock ring 6.
In working order гидронатяжитель "is discharged", when the lock ring 6 is deduced from a flute in the case and does not keep плунжер.
Гидронатяжитель works as follows. Under the influence of a spring 5 and pressure of the oil arriving from an oil highway, плунжер 3 presses a chain boot, and through it — on a chain. In process of an extract of a chain and deterioration of a boot плунжер it is put forward from the case 4, moving запорное a ring 2 ratchet devices from one flute of the case in another. At change of high-speed power setting and occurrence of blows from outside chains on a boot плунжер 3 moves back, compressing a spring 5; thus the ball valve is closed and occurs additional демпфирование at the expense of an oil overflowing through a backlash between плунжером and the case.
Reverse motion плунжера is limited to width of a flute on плунжере.
Intermediate shaft

Fig. 4.120. An intermediate shaft: 1 — a bolt; 2 — a lock plate; 3 — a leading asterisk; 4 — a conducted asterisk; 5 — the forward plug of a shaft; 6 — an intermediate shaft; 7 — a pipe of an intermediate shaft; 8 — a conducted gear wheel of a drive of the oil pump; 9 — a nut; 10 — a leading gear wheel of a drive of the oil pump; 11 — the back plug of a shaft; 12 — the block of cylinders; 13 — a flange of an intermediate shaft; 14 — a pin

The intermediate shaft (fig. 4.120) — steel, two-basic, is established in inflow of the block of cylinders, on the right. An external surface of a shaft углеродоазотирована on depth of 0,2-0,7 mm and термообработана.
The intermediate shaft rotates in plugs, запрессованных in apertures in inflow of the block of cylinders. Forward 5 and back 11 plugs steel-aluminium.
From axial movings the intermediate shaft is kept by a steel flange 13 which is located between an end face of a forward neck of a shaft and a nave of a conducted asterisk 4 with a backlash of 0,05-0,2 mm and fixed by two bolts М8 to a forward end face of the block of cylinders.
The axial backlash is provided with a difference of the sizes between length of a ledge on a shaft and thickness of a flange. For increase of wear resistance the flange is tempered, and for improvement extra earnings face surfaces of a flange шлифованы and фосфатированы.
On a forward cylindrical ledge of a shaft the conducted asterisk 4 is established. The leading asterisk is established by 3 cylindrical ledge in an aperture of a conducted asterisk 4, and its angular position is fixed by a pin 14, запрессованным in a nave of a conducted asterisk 4. Both asterisks «напроход» fasten two bolts 1 (М8) to an intermediate shaft. Bolts контрятся отгибом on their side of corners of a lock plate 2.
On a shaft of an intermediate shaft with the help шпонки and nuts 9 the gear wheel 10 drives of the oil pump is fixed conducting косозубая.
The free surface of an intermediate shaft (between basic necks) is tightly closed by a thin-walled steel pipe 7, запрессованной in inflow of the block of cylinders.

Fig. 4.121. A drive of valves: 1 — the inlet valve; 2 — a head of cylinders; 3 — a camshaft of inlet valves; 4 — a plate of springs of the valve; 5 — маслосъемный a cap; 6 — an external spring of the valve; 7 — a camshaft of final valves; 8 — a hydropusher; 9 — a valve cracker; 10 — the final valve; 11 — an internal spring of the valve; 12 — a basic washer of springs of the valve

Valves are resulted from camshafts directly through hydraulic pushers 8 (fig. 4.121) for which directing apertures in a head of the block of cylinders are executed.
The drive of valves is closed from above by a cover cast from an aluminium alloy, with fixed from the inside лабиринтным маслоотражателем with three маслоотводящими rubber tubes. The cover of valves through a rubber lining and rubber уплотнители candle wells fastens to a head of the block of cylinders восемью bolts in diameter of 8 mm.
From above on a cover of valves apertures and two coils of ignition are established a cover маслозаливного.
Valves are made of heat resisting steels: the inlet valve — from хромокремнистой, final is made from хромоникельмарганцовистой steels and nitrated. On a working facet of the final valve in addition наплавлен heat resisting хромоникелевый an alloy.
Diameter of a core of valves — 8 mm. The plate of the inlet valve has diameter of 37 mm, and final — 31,5 mm. A corner of a working facet of both valves — 45 ° 30 '. On the end of a core of the valve are executed проточки for crackers of 9 plates of 4 springs of the valve. Plates of springs of valves and crackers became made from малоуглеродистой and subjected superficial nitrocementation.
On each valve it is established on two springs: external 6 with right навивкой and internal 11 — with left. Springs are made of thermally processed high-strength wire and subjected дробеструйной to processing. Under springs the basic steel washer 12 is established. Valves 1 and 10 work in the directing plugs made of grey pig-iron. The internal aperture of plugs is definitively processed after them запрессовки in a head. Plugs of valves are supplied by the lock rings interfering spontaneous moving of plugs in a head.
For reduction of quantity of the oil passing through backlashes between the plug and a core of the valve, by the top ends of all plugs напрессованы маслосъемные the caps 5 made from маслостойкой of rubber.
Details клапанного the mechanism: valves, springs, plates, crackers, basic washers and маслосъемные caps — are interchangeable with similar details of the engine of the car VAZ-2108.

Fig. 4.122. A hydropusher: 1 — the directing plug of the jack; 2 — the hydropusher case; 3 — a lock ring; 4 — the jack case; 5 — the jack piston; 6 — the return ball valve; 7 — a spring

The hydropusher — steel, its case 2 (fig. 4.122) is executed in the form of a cylindrical glass in which the jack with the return ball the valve is placed. On an external surface of the case the flute and an aperture for a supply of oil in a pusher from a highway in a head of cylinders are executed. For wear resistance increase an external surface and an end face of the case of a pusher нитроцементированы.
Hydropushers are established in chiseled in a head of cylinders of an aperture in diameter of 35 mm between end faces of valves and cams of camshafts.
The jack is placed in the directing plug 1 established and welded in the case of a hydropusher, and kept by a lock ring 3. The jack consists of the piston 5 leaning from within on a bottom of the case of a hydropusher, the case 4 which leans against a valve end face. Between the piston and the jack case the spring 7 which are moving apart them and by that choosing arising backlash is established. Simultaneously the spring 7 presses a cap of the return ball valve 6 placed in the piston. The return ball valve passes oil from a cavity of the case of a hydropusher in a cavity of the jack and locks this cavity by pressing of a cam of a camshaft the hydropusher case.
The hydropusher as follows works: by pressing of a cam of a camshaft a case end face гидротодкателя 2 (valve opening) the ball valve 6 is closed, locking oil being in the jack; thus oil becomes a working body through which the effort and movement from a cam to the valve is transferred.
Thus the oil part flows through a backlash in плунжерной to jack steam in a cavity of the case of a hydropusher and the piston 5 is a little moved into the case of the jack 4.
At valve closing when the effort from a hydropusher acts in film, a spring 7 jacks the piston 5 and the case presses 2 hydropushers to a cylindrical part of a cam ("nape"), choosing a backlash, thus the ball valve 6 in the jack opens, letting in a cavity of the jack oil then the cycle repeats.
Hydropushers automatically provide беззазорный contact of cams of camshafts to valves, compensating износы interfaced details: cams, end faces of the case of a hydropusher, the case of the jack, the valve, facets of saddles and plates of valves.
On long not working cold engine probably occurrence of knock of hydropushers which should disappear on a measure прагрева the engine to working temperature (80—105 °).
If after 30 minutes after start-up of the engine knock does not disappear, it is necessary to check up oil giving to a hydropusher or to replace a faulty hydropusher.