"Gazelle" Gas-2705>> Car body>> Doors>> Locks of doors
Locks serve for deduction of doors in the closed position during movement, on parking and at road and transport incident.
Locks of doors — automatic action, вильчатого type. At the expense of rotor and cam teeths full closing of a door (on the basic tooth) and incomplete closing of a door (on a safety tooth) is provided.
At movement with short closed door there is a knock, movement with a barefaced door is inadmissible.

Fig. 10.11. The lock of a forward door (till February, 2000) and its drives: 1 — the external handle of a door; 2 — a drive of the external handle; 3 — a tip; 4 — an internal drive; 5 — a lining; 6 — the socket; 7 — the button of deenergizing of the lock; 8 — the tip plug; 9 — draught; 10 — a drive arm; 11 — a clip; 12 — draught; 13 — draught; 14 — a lead; 15 — the lock switch; 16 — the screw; 17 — a washer; 18 — a thorn; 19 — запорный the lock mechanism; 20 — the lever mechanism of the lock; 21 — a tip; 22 — draught

Till February, 2000 on forward doors the locks which design is shown on fig. 10.11 were established.
The lock (fig. 10.11) consists of three parts: запорного the mechanism 19, the lever mechanism 20 and a thorn of a clamp 18. The lock it is possible отрыть outside and from within cabins, it can be blocked both outside, and from within cabins at completely closed door.
For opening of the lock outside of a cabin the external handle 7 with a drive serves. If to undertake the external handle at not blocked lock and to pull on itself the door will open. At the blocked lock the external handle has a free wheeling.
For lock opening from within cabins the internal drive 4 serves. If the handle of an internal drive to turn to (pull) on itself at not blocked lock and to push a door outside it will open. At the blocked lock the handle of an internal drive has a free wheeling.
For lock blocking the switch of the lock 15, and from within — the button of 7 deenergizings of the lock outside serves. To block the lock at an open door it is impossible neither outside, nor from within cabins. External and internal blocking are connected with each other, and influence on one kind of blocking automatically causes operation another.

The prevention
Fastening запорного the mechanism demands check of its reliability. If to close a door with the weakened fastening запорного the mechanism, the door cannot be opened neither outside, nor from within.

For replacement запорного the mechanism it is necessary to turn away two screws, to remove the mechanism, to replace new, to establish it on a door, to check up work of all drives and correctness of closing of a door, if necessary to check up adjustment of drives and шипа* a clamp.

* On the left back door the latch is established.

For thorn adjustment it is necessary to weaken its fastening, to move in the necessary direction and to tighten.
For replacement of the external handle or the lock switch, and also for performance of adjustments of external and internal drives:
- To remove the handle стеклоподъемника (for forward doors);
- To remove the socket of an internal drive 6 (fig. 10.11 see);
- To remove a hand-rail on a door;
- To remove the terminator of opening of a door and a clip of the lever of the terminator (for a back door);
- To remove an upholstery of a door and an antinoise lining;
- To turn away bolts of fastening of the external handle and to replace the handle;
- To unbend шплинт fastenings of a lead of the switch and to remove a lead;
- To turn away screws of fastening of an internal drive and to turn away draught 12;
- To turn away fastening screws запорного the mechanism, to remove запорный the mechanism;
- To move in a door the lever mechanism with the attached details towards the assembly hatch and to disconnect a draught tip, to take out an internal drive and the lever mechanism with remained details;
- To disconnect an external drive, to check up its work; drive details should move freely, and rubbing surfaces to grease with lubricating oil;
- If the lever mechanism is faulty, to replace new.
Assemblage and installation of details and knots to spend upside-down, checking separately correctness of the executed adjustments and work of drives.
Correctness of work of a drive is checked at an open door after its installation for what by means of a screw-driver to translate a rotor запорного the mechanism from position "openly" in position closed"on two teeth (the lock is closed completely), and then to turn a corresponding drive — external or internal. The rotor should move from position"is closed"in position"openly". At a weak spring of it can not occur, then at the drive turned against the stop check up possibility of free moving of a rotor by means of a screw-driver, задевание it is thus inadmissible. If it does not occur, it is necessary to screw a tip of an external drive or draught of an internal drive on 2 turns and to check up work again. After reception of positive result to check up work of system of blocking. For this purpose again at an open door пepeвeсти ротop запорного the mechanism from position is opened"in position"is closed"and to press a tip of draught 7 downwards after that neither external, nor an internal drive should not open the lock.
The lock and its drives do not demand special service, at effort increase while in service it is necessary to grease hinges with lubricating oil.
Since February, 2000 on forward doors the changed locks of raised reliability (at the expense of increase in coupling of teeths of a rotor and a cam and increase of accuracy of manufacturing of details) and lowered шумности closing (at the expense of a mass covering of a rotor and a cam, a clamp and a basis material запорного the mechanism) are established.
Locks are made under the licence firms "Брано" (Czechia) and consist of the mechanism запорного (an external part of the lock) 20, the mechanism lever (an internal part of the lock) 21 and a clamp of the lock 19. The lock can be opened outside and from within cabins, to block at completely closed door outside and from within cabins. If to undertake the external handle at not blocked lock and to pull on itself, the door will open. At the blocked lock the external handle has a free wheeling.
If the handle of an internal drive to turn to (pull) on itself at not blocked lock and to push a door outside the door will open. At the blocked lock the handle of an internal drive has a free wheeling.
For lock blocking the switch of the lock 15 blocking the lock by keys of corresponding series, and from within — the button 7 outside serves. To block the lock at an open door it is impossible neither outside, nor from within cabins. External and internal blocking are connected with each other; influence on one kind of blocking automatically causes operation another.
The changed locks of doors are not interchangeable with locks of an old design on the connecting sizes and on a clamp design.
For replacement запорного the mechanism it is necessary to turn away two screws, to remove the mechanism, to establish new on a door, to check up work of all drives and correctness of closing of a door, to adjust drives and a lock clamp.
For adjustment of a clamp of the lock it is necessary to weaken screws of 17 fastenings, to move it in the necessary direction and to tighten (other operations on replacement of various knots are similar to operations with the lock of a design till February, 2000).
Locks of a lateral and right door of a back, their external and internal drive, blocking system on a design are similar to systems of the lock of a forward door of a design till February, 2000

Fig. 10.12. The lock, external and internal drives of the lock, the terminator of vertical moving of back doors: 1 — draught of a stopper bottom; 2, 3, 17 and 19 — clips; 4 — a drive of the lock of a stopper; 5 — draught of a stopper; 6 and 24 — tips; 7, 16, 20, 25 and 26 — draughts; 8 — ползун a stopper; 9 — the stopper case; 10 — the terminator of vertical moving; 11 and 14 — stopper latches; 12 and 13 — linings adjusting; 15 — the button of deenergizing of the lock; 18 — the lever; 21 — запорный the mechanism; 22 — the lever mechanism; 23 — the socket of the external handle; 27 — the basis; 28 — the handle; 29 — the stopper basis; 30 — the socket of an internal drive; 31 — a latch; 32 — the external handle

The device of the lock of back doors, its drives and the terminator of vertical moving is shown on fig. 10.12.

Fig. 10.16. Mechanisms of fixing and door lock-out: 1 — the back external handle of a drive of the lock; 2 — запорный the lock mechanism; 3 — a lock thorn; 4 — a thorn washer; 5 — a plate; 6 and 10 — adjusting linings; 7 — a door clamp (2 pieces); 8 — a clamp thorn; 9 — the clamp case; 11 — the internal handle of a drive of the lock; 12 — the forward external handle

The lock, drive of the lock and mechanisms of fixing of a lateral door are shown on fig. 10.16.